Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meet Stephanie Burkhart - Author

Just a little about me: I was born in Manchester, NH but live in Castaic, California with my husband, Brent, and two sons, Andrew and Joseph. I have fond memories of Manchester, but have made California my home. I earned a BS in political science from California Baptist University in 1995. I currently work for LAPD as a 911 Dispatcher.

My writer's journey began when I was five. It was the 1970's and I liked to watch a show called "The Electric Company." They usually had a Spiderman skit on. After the show, I would sit down at the kitchen table and make a homemade comic after the skit. During my teen years, I wrote poetry, short stories, and homemade comics.

My first novel, "Destination: Berlin" was written during my time in the military, but it took me about ten years to really flesh it out and it didn't get published until after I was out of the military in 2001. I enjoy writing romance and I had a short historical romance called "Royal Pretender" published in the Cupid Diaries, a short story about muses called "Matchmaking Amusement" in the Be Mused Anthology by Desert Breeze Publishing, and a paranormal romance called "The Hungarian" also by Desert Breeze Publishing released this year.

My latest story, "The Giving Meadow," is a children's story about a caterpillar who travels through a meadow making friends before he turns into a butterfly. It was written as an Easter play for my church's preschool program.

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